Sunday 4 October 2015

Brands That Make Me Want To Belong

I have been away again for a very long time... And I apologies for that, but I am now in uni in Cardiff studying an amazing course! One of our assignments is to write a blog (yippee for me as I really enjoy this) about 5 brands that mean something to us. So let get started shall we...

My first is Greenpeace. 
 Their logo is simple, but it does the job, the standard GREENPEACE logo is the one everyone recognises, and is green because it shows its environmentally friendly. The logo which is then second popular is the hand holding the world, which shows we are responsible for looking after it, and gently if possibly. Now I have been a member of Greenpeace for a while, and I love their website, mainly for one point... It's informative! It has everything that they are doing, where they are doing it, and what you can do to help; they have petitions people can sign, information about local groups in your area and much. The reason I'm so connected to this brand is what they do for the environment and how much good they've done so far! There 'motto' is...
We defend the natural world and promote peace by investigating, exposing and confronting environmental abuse, and championing environmentally responsible solution
They do so much from trying to stop climate change, defending the oceans, protecting the forest to eliminating toxic waste. I personally can't find any reason not to support them.

My next 'brand' is the Wildlife Trust, 
and again their logo is pretty simple, but its very effective as it draws people in with a cute picture. Their website is very easy to navigate, and you can quickly find what your looking for, it also has everything they are doing to help. What I love about the wildlife trust is it's very child friendly, it has lots of planned activities for children to take part in, in which there aim is to "create future generations that love wildlife." Which is actually one reason I'm connected to this 'brand' so much is because of its involvement of children. Also my dad used to work for them when I was younger which meant I took part in a few of there activities.
We want to inspire people about the natural world so that they value it, understand their relationship with it and take action to protect and restore it. 
They also have an excellent motto! I 100% agree that we need to show people how what they do can affect the world SO much.

This next brand is food related, and are called Nakd.
Once again this brand has a simple logo, but it says a lot. It's simply good food, 'Wholefood' taken straight from the fruit. Their website is a great place to shop for these fruity bars, and within the same company they sell trek bars, so you can also purchase them on the website. One thing I like about the website is that they have a recipe page, with some easy and tasty recipes that anyone can make. They also have information about health which is very 'eye-opening'...

      "Have you ever looked at the back of your cereal bar wrapper to see what's in it? Nearly all so'called 'healthy' snack bars undergo intense heat-processing, and are stuffed with sugary syrups and mysterious additives. Take a look at the below to see what we mean. 
"A typical cereal bar can contain as many as 30 ingredients, many of which are completly unrecognisable and several of which are actually just various types of sugar. Despite what it says on he pack we all know these heavily processed, syrup-laden and additive-filled cereal bars are not really'healthy' at all!""
 So in my opinion they just seem like the better choice! (and they are really tasty)

Next is
This logo shows so much.. To begin with its just looks like someone doing the peace sign, but the fingers are in fact the letter V, which shows that Veganism = Peace, plain and simple. Their website is all about making vegan easy and it accomplishes this with tips, guides, videos, recipes, reviews and just general information. Now if you couldn't tell already.. I'm a bit of a eco-fighting warrior... or in technical terms, I'm a Vegan, which is why I'm so connected to these 'brands'. Its something I wholeheartedly believe in; saving the environment and everything in it.

My last 'brand' is Youtube. I know this is going to be a very popular one...
Their logo is very clever as it represents that this 'brand' is all about you, the videos that pop up are decided by you. This is your stuff, your playlist, your likes, your video, your 'tube'! Youtube is an amazing website, I mean 300 hours of videos are uploaded every minute, and the hours of videos watched per month is 6 billion!! 6 billion, that's just incredible. Now the thing that attracts me the most to youtube (and its not just the funny cat videos) is the fact that you can share information, important information, and have people view it.. now amongst all the videos of people falling over and cute things there are videos that spread life changing information(such as the vegan message, or environmental statistics), and people who are doing their best to get there message out, and youtube lets them and gives them the audience they deserve, which I find is an amazing thing!

So that is it for my '5 favorite brands', I hope you enjoyed, and I'll talk to you later..

But for now I hope that you are having a wonderful day, and don't forget to Live The Life You Love, Love The Life You Live!

Thursday 30 April 2015

I'm Back, Baby.. But I'm Back In London!!!

Hellooooooo! I am Back!!!!!!!

So I have been away for a ridiculous amount of time and I apologise for this immensely, but I just moved to London!! Woo-Hoo! Arghhhhh! OMG! What?!

Yes, I now live in London... What I'm doing with the rest of my life I have no idea, BUT and its a hugely enormous 'but' that doesn't matter so much at the moment, because I am now living MY life, doing what I want to do, doing things how I want to do things, and organising MY time and money (we'll get to that later on)!

I have been in London now for a couple of days, and even though I haven't exactly done much I am loving it! I love just wondering around aimlessly, finding all the small, back roads and sitting outside a cafe somewhere and watching the busy street hustle go by... I don't know why, its just intriguing to me to watch people living there life, not knowing I exist at all. Am I weird?! Maybe... 

Another thing I've noticed (which probably won't help convincing you I'm not weird), is I can spend a ridiculous amount of time thinking about doing something, and then not have time do it... And since moving to London this and almost intensified! I could spend a good morning or so planning activities I could go out and do, and then have so many ideas, never get round to doing any of them... Oh well, I am quite happy just going for a wonder around Richmond park (Which I will usually end up doing most days)!

London, I have come to realise, is expensive! Now I knew this before, if it wasn't my own common sense telling me, it was my mother telling me every other day!! But, Yes, London you are expensive! And to anyone who wants to move down here, Do!!! Do it now, But be prepared, have money saved up, know that when you move down you have a job so you can start work almost immediately. And don't be scared to spend money. I'm not saying go out every night and spend ££££'s, but I also don't want you to sit at home and be too worried about money to go and have a good time! Just balance things out, for example; walk/cycle more to save money on fuel/trains/buses, by food in bulk and from local (if possible) green grocers, or from places like lidl(!), don't by fixated on clothing/shoe/makeup brands and save your self a fortune!! 

I will probably go into more detail on some of these subjects if you'd like me too!

But for now I hope this you are having a wonderfully day, and don't forget to Live The Life You Love, Love The Live You Live!
