Thursday 30 April 2015

I'm Back, Baby.. But I'm Back In London!!!

Hellooooooo! I am Back!!!!!!!

So I have been away for a ridiculous amount of time and I apologise for this immensely, but I just moved to London!! Woo-Hoo! Arghhhhh! OMG! What?!

Yes, I now live in London... What I'm doing with the rest of my life I have no idea, BUT and its a hugely enormous 'but' that doesn't matter so much at the moment, because I am now living MY life, doing what I want to do, doing things how I want to do things, and organising MY time and money (we'll get to that later on)!

I have been in London now for a couple of days, and even though I haven't exactly done much I am loving it! I love just wondering around aimlessly, finding all the small, back roads and sitting outside a cafe somewhere and watching the busy street hustle go by... I don't know why, its just intriguing to me to watch people living there life, not knowing I exist at all. Am I weird?! Maybe... 

Another thing I've noticed (which probably won't help convincing you I'm not weird), is I can spend a ridiculous amount of time thinking about doing something, and then not have time do it... And since moving to London this and almost intensified! I could spend a good morning or so planning activities I could go out and do, and then have so many ideas, never get round to doing any of them... Oh well, I am quite happy just going for a wonder around Richmond park (Which I will usually end up doing most days)!

London, I have come to realise, is expensive! Now I knew this before, if it wasn't my own common sense telling me, it was my mother telling me every other day!! But, Yes, London you are expensive! And to anyone who wants to move down here, Do!!! Do it now, But be prepared, have money saved up, know that when you move down you have a job so you can start work almost immediately. And don't be scared to spend money. I'm not saying go out every night and spend ££££'s, but I also don't want you to sit at home and be too worried about money to go and have a good time! Just balance things out, for example; walk/cycle more to save money on fuel/trains/buses, by food in bulk and from local (if possible) green grocers, or from places like lidl(!), don't by fixated on clothing/shoe/makeup brands and save your self a fortune!! 

I will probably go into more detail on some of these subjects if you'd like me too!

But for now I hope this you are having a wonderfully day, and don't forget to Live The Life You Love, Love The Live You Live!
