Wednesday 1 October 2014

Feeling the Change

Today I feel I'm in a very flowery (If thats a word) mood, So I would like to share some of my photography work with all of you lovely people (If thats okay)

This photograph was taken (along with alot of them) in North Wales. I love this photo and the colours are very bright and vibrant :D

I Love the way the sun hits these yellow flowers in this photo.
|Photo taken in North Wales|

Beautiful Little Daffodil
|Photo taken in North Wales|

Gorgeous Pink FoxGloves
|Photo taken in Milton Keynes|
Sweet, Romantic Roses
|Above Photo taken in North Wales|
|Below Photo taken in Milton Keynes|

I apologies this is such a boring blog (for some) but I'm feeling the change from Summer to Autumn. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Autumn all the pumpkin and spiced flavored things, All the colours and spells... Yes I LOVE Autumn. But I Loved summer, and today as been the first time I'm feeling the change properly. Hence the blog about flowers and Summer and stuff.

Since I now have summer out of my system, I can move on to Autumn!!!!!! So prepare for some Autumn style blogs, Which I am really excited about, YAY!

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live

P.S. Please go check out my new Blog I've started with a few of my friends... I will be posting on there every Friday, so please go check it out! :D 

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