Monday 6 October 2014

Powering through hard times

I apologies for being so, almost, negative with lots of my posts, but tonight's one is more up beat. 
I'm watching Gavin and Stacy and I find it hilarious!!! Being welsh I can relate to it SO much. Like the thing with the welsh and curry sauce!! Yes! Lol.
But yeah, I'm feeling very ill so watching this makes me feel better. But thats also why I haven't posted much this last couple of days, as I have been dying with this god danm cold, Which I am still dying of but I have mustered up the energy to get out of bed and turn on my laptop, and write this blog. 
I am being optimistic about it and pushing through as I really can't afford to be ill, so I'm stocking up on the soothers and lemons and honey and I'm going to get over this cold if it kills me (literally). 
But this is a nice way to slide in this; No matter what it is whether you feeling ill, upset, down, stressed what ever, you can power through and things will get better, I promise and it may take a bit of energy and hard work, and you might feel worst to begin with, but it WILL get better, and YOU WILL get better! Promise x
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.


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