Tuesday 7 October 2014

Zombie Apocalypse

Hello Lovely people,
So I am feeling SO much better than this morning (lets hope it lasts)!!! 
Anyway, I wanna talk about the "next" zombie apocalypse and how I don't think it's gonna happen. Yes Ebola is a massive killer, and a terrible disease, but I do not see it taking over the world and killer everyone. And I especially don't see it turning everyone into Zombies and have them running around the places biting others.

Now I know how people read into things so much, its almost TOO much, so I can see how this 'rumor' has became so engraved into peoples heads already, but seriously! Zombie Apocalypses?! I think the world has been playing too much COD, because Zombies only exist in games and stories (which are amazing btw, but thats another time).

But yeah, anyway, I am so sorry to anyone who has lost people to it, or have got it them selves. It is an awful disease, and I can only imagine what it must be like to have it, and to suffer in such a way.

So please
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live


P.S. Apologies for such a short blog, but I am still recovering from my pathetic cold and need rest        

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