Thursday 9 October 2014


So I have just got back from work, and am about to go to sleep, and I thought, seeing as I have a college deadline tomorrow, instead of doing the actual work I'd should you some of my pictures. If you guys don't mine :)

I love macro mode on my camera.. and I mean LOVE. So most of my pictures will be macro.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

This is a great example of medium depth of field, see how the foreground and background are out of focus and middle ground is in focus.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

This is also an example of medium depth of field. I don't know why but I really, REALLY like this photo.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

I love this macro shot, I feel there is some great composition.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus| 
This photo is a very good example of leading lines. See how the lines in this picture draws your eyes from right to left.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

With these next few photos, we got a chance to do semi-professional photos with giant chess pieces and random objects.... 
Using macro again, I love this piece.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

I loved the idea of using bits and bobs for this photo shoot, so I found an old bit of metal piping and I believe it worked quite well.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

Another awesome shot of the chess pieces, again in macro (I seriously can't get enough)
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|
Okay, so I hope this wasn't too boring for you guys, but I love showing you my photos and getting your feedback.
So until tomorrow (hopefully :))
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live


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