Friday 26 September 2014

Develop from the Negatives

This quote speaks for its self really. Life's life, don't worry about whats happened, learn from it and move on.
I don't want today's blog to be long today as I want the main focus to remain on this quote, because this quote says everything I needed to say. I've had such an amazing year, and I'm SO grateful to all my friends and family, and I just want to capture every moment possible! 
I feel I can relate to this quote (as so much of you guys can as well) which is why I wanted to write a post about it. We all have hard times, and important decision, and sometimes we make the wrong decision and chooses, but when some people just move on, some might need that extra push and learn to release things will get better. 

Change starts with you!
If live is crappy and doesn't work out, get up, go out, live life and TAKE ANOTHER SHOT!

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.

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