Saturday 27 September 2014

"No Post On Sundays" ~ Mr Vernon Dursley

Today's post is going to be quite short.. I've just got home after work and I am shattered. So I know I said earlier that I want to do daily post, but I'm considering not posting anything on here on Sundays, just because 1) I'll have work all day 2) I will have run out of interesting things to said by the end of the week 3) I'd probably need the time to do college work :). I hope this is okay for everyone, if you guys want me to post on Sundays that's fine but as Mr Vernon Dursley says "No Post on Sunday's" (Sorry that's my nerdy side coming out).

Anyway, I just want you to keep smiling and keep your head, because no matter how that interview turns out, or how ever things are going at work/school/college it will get better, and not worth your worry! You are loved, and cared for by a lot of people in for life.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.
Hazel xx

P.S Hey! You there, Yeah, YOU. You. Are. AWESOME!  Love Ya. x

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