Thursday 25 September 2014


I love this photo, its so peaceful and calming. I've had such a busy week, and today was the first day in ages I've actually been able to just sit (which was physically relieving) but when I found this photo I took of Bala Lake, I was able to mentally relax for a bit and loose myself in the photo. I felt so relaxed.

I know this post might seem boring to some of you, but I feel like there is a lesson here. So when any one of you feel stressed or worked-up, and like everything is just not working out, don't worry. I know it is very easy to say not to worry, especially if there is something really really important going on, and sometimes you can't afford to loose concentration completely, but once in a while you need to just stop, sit and relax even if its just for a few minutes. Find a place, a quite spot something, or imagine being somewhere peaceful, like a forest or beach or a tranquil mountain side or anywhere!!! Just Relax! 

So next time you have a really important meeting, or things aren't going well at school/college/uni/work just remember to take a step back from it all once in a while, and what every it is will pass.

Sorry this post is quite short, but I hope you guys understood me.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.

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