Monday 29 September 2014

Life is too Short

So Hello Guys,
Today I watched a clip from a Dr Phil, and O.M.G! What! It was an old clip from the the episode when this girl shot another girl in. the. FACE! And she's not sorry!! Like. Eh!!!! So Dr Phil asks "Do you apologise that that happened to her or do you apologise for your role in it?" and her reply... "Yeah, I've already done my time, I apologise from my role in this. We have a life time, and I thank god she is still alive to have a life time.God is good and you have to be able to forgive to move on, and until you guys can forgive me you wont be able to move on!".... What, the hell, this just winds me up.. yes, I believe you have to forgive to move on, but in this situation, she is not wording it right... And there's more.... She goes on to say "I have forgiven myself, and been able to move on. That's why I haven't had a nervous break down or lost my mind or anything else" and The girl who got SHOT IN THE FACE just puts up her hand and goes "I have".

Now I know this is a really weird way to start a blog and probably not the most interesting, but I mean come on, how can people be SO inconsiderate. I don't understand why people do things like to each other. Now I know this is very extreme, but bulling on any scale, ANY scale is serious and I really don't get it. You know that saying "If you can't say anything nice, Don't say anything at all" It's an oldie but I really do believe it.. Whats the point in picking out a quality you don't like in someone, and spending the rest of your life with them bulling them about it.. and usually its not an important quality.

Why do people think that being Ginger, or having freckles, or wearing glasses or whatever is a good enough reason to make that persons life a living hell! Now I was bullied at school, I wore glasses, wasn't the thinnest and people assumed I was an idiot and treated me SO differently just because of my hair colour! To this day I still wear glass, (I have lost weight), but people still think I'm an idiot! But I forgive everyone because life is just too short. Yes in some situations maybe forgiving can seem like a really hard thing to do, but there is no point wasting your time hating someone. There can not be room in our lives to focus on people that don't like your glasses, or your hair, or your shoes.

I really dislike the word 'hate' anyway, it's such a harsh word, and if people use it too often or store up lots of 'hate' then they will, in time, become harsh (in my opinion). I just don't see the point in 'hating' anything! Nothing anyone can do is worth getting angry about and wasting YOUR time, YOUR life, YOUR mind! <3

So please,
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live!
Hazel xx

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