Wednesday 24 September 2014

Quick Warning

Hello World,

When I started this blog (2 days ago) I wanted to post daily blogs, and I still do, but I sometimes find it hard to think about what to write, which is stupid. I mean the whole point of this is that it's somewhere I can write about all my feelings about the day or any thoughts I've had, so why try and think about something to write, when I can start writing and my thoughts will just flow through.

Now I am really serious about doing daily blogs, so I just want to warn some people that I am not the most interesting person in the world, and don't intent to try and be one, I just want to write whats on my mind and that's that. Now some days I'll be sad or happy, some days I'll be annoyed or excited and others I'll just be oozing with ideas and others I'll literally have such an empty head (which is most days) I'll be writing about nothing, But I'll still be writing.

Apart from being daily I have no idea where I want this blog to go, I'm hoping to share some of my photography work on here, and some of my designs, but it'll mainly be me rambling on and on about nothing in particular. Which (hopefully) should be interesting as I am a very strange person a lot of the time, and can express myself quite easily through writing ( so your in for a treat :P )

So, I'm not sure what this blog is about tonight but hopefully you understood me. I just wanted to warn you whats in store.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.
Hazel xx

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