Tuesday 23 September 2014

Hopes & Dreams

Okay so today I had a very needed catch up with a friend and we ended up talking about very mature subject (we had some immature subjects too). So one of the thing we talked about was our hopes and dreams, and about how we seem to be maturing a lot now a days.

So one of the things we mentioned was our future (I know a scary subject for us all) and what we saw ourselves doing in 5/10/20 years. Now I've always known what I've wanted in life (even when I was really young) and that is a family, and the perfect home, so my goal isn't a problem, it's how I'm getting there. I recently had a mental panic attack where I started to worry SO much about the future and how I'm not going to have enough money to do anything. With this being the soul thing on my mind, I had to do something as I was loosing sleep, therefore I made a spread sheet with all the things I need to spend money on, like Food, Toiletries etc., things I don't need to spend money on, like Clothes, games etc. and how much I'm earning a week. I then experimented with scenarios, like living on my own, owning a car etc. and found I could manage it.... if I stopped eating, wore rags and had 10 days in a week! So I've limited my spending and managing my work hours to fit round my college schedule, and I feel relaxed again.

Now I'm sure your wondering if the blog has a point to it or not (and I'm kinda wondering the same thing) but I just wanted to let people know that nothing is ever really worth the worry. What ever the matter is, I'm sure it will get better and you can always try and sort it out yourself if you can't see it going anywhere fast. I have no idea what my lives got in store, and yes that terrifies me sometimes, but as long as I'm happy at that stage in my life and I get to my final goal at some point then that is all care about. I mean, for example, I want to travel and become a photographer, which is much more achievable than becoming famous and working on broadway (which is also a fantasy I have for my future) but that shouldn't stop me from trying anything and everything if I wanted to.

Life has no limits, and if you listen to your feet and your heart and your head rather than society, you can achieve ANYTHING.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.
Hazel xx

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