Thursday 9 October 2014


So I have just got back from work, and am about to go to sleep, and I thought, seeing as I have a college deadline tomorrow, instead of doing the actual work I'd should you some of my pictures. If you guys don't mine :)

I love macro mode on my camera.. and I mean LOVE. So most of my pictures will be macro.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

This is a great example of medium depth of field, see how the foreground and background are out of focus and middle ground is in focus.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

This is also an example of medium depth of field. I don't know why but I really, REALLY like this photo.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

I love this macro shot, I feel there is some great composition.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus| 
This photo is a very good example of leading lines. See how the lines in this picture draws your eyes from right to left.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

With these next few photos, we got a chance to do semi-professional photos with giant chess pieces and random objects.... 
Using macro again, I love this piece.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

I loved the idea of using bits and bobs for this photo shoot, so I found an old bit of metal piping and I believe it worked quite well.
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|

Another awesome shot of the chess pieces, again in macro (I seriously can't get enough)
|Photo taken in Bletchley, on campus|
Okay, so I hope this wasn't too boring for you guys, but I love showing you my photos and getting your feedback.
So until tomorrow (hopefully :))
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live


Tuesday 7 October 2014

Zombie Apocalypse

Hello Lovely people,
So I am feeling SO much better than this morning (lets hope it lasts)!!! 
Anyway, I wanna talk about the "next" zombie apocalypse and how I don't think it's gonna happen. Yes Ebola is a massive killer, and a terrible disease, but I do not see it taking over the world and killer everyone. And I especially don't see it turning everyone into Zombies and have them running around the places biting others.

Now I know how people read into things so much, its almost TOO much, so I can see how this 'rumor' has became so engraved into peoples heads already, but seriously! Zombie Apocalypses?! I think the world has been playing too much COD, because Zombies only exist in games and stories (which are amazing btw, but thats another time).

But yeah, anyway, I am so sorry to anyone who has lost people to it, or have got it them selves. It is an awful disease, and I can only imagine what it must be like to have it, and to suffer in such a way.

So please
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live


P.S. Apologies for such a short blog, but I am still recovering from my pathetic cold and need rest        

Monday 6 October 2014

Powering through hard times

I apologies for being so, almost, negative with lots of my posts, but tonight's one is more up beat. 
I'm watching Gavin and Stacy and I find it hilarious!!! Being welsh I can relate to it SO much. Like the thing with the welsh and curry sauce!! Yes! Lol.
But yeah, I'm feeling very ill so watching this makes me feel better. But thats also why I haven't posted much this last couple of days, as I have been dying with this god danm cold, Which I am still dying of but I have mustered up the energy to get out of bed and turn on my laptop, and write this blog. 
I am being optimistic about it and pushing through as I really can't afford to be ill, so I'm stocking up on the soothers and lemons and honey and I'm going to get over this cold if it kills me (literally). 
But this is a nice way to slide in this; No matter what it is whether you feeling ill, upset, down, stressed what ever, you can power through and things will get better, I promise and it may take a bit of energy and hard work, and you might feel worst to begin with, but it WILL get better, and YOU WILL get better! Promise x
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.


Friday 3 October 2014

6 Reasons to eat Less Meat...

Evening all, so I have just posted my blog on,, and it would be awesome if you guys could go check it out, I will be posting on there every Friday.

Umm... So I'm not sure what I'm going to write about tonight, I have something I want to say, but I feel like the subjects needs more time, so I will leave that for another day, but I will touch on it.. So as some of you guys know I am a Vegan, and I have been doing a lot of research recently, A LOT. Now I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about my actual opinions today (as that would take too much time) but I will get into why you should eat less meat. here are 6 reasons - 

"1) Limit the animal-fare and you'll be reducing your likelihood for heart disease, the number-one killer of women. "Fatty red meats and many processed meats are high in saturated fat, which raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases risk of coronary heart disease," says Dr. Rachel K. Johnson, a spokesperson for the American Heart Association and professor of Nutrition and Medicine at the University of Vermont. Studies, including one of more than 500,000 people published in theArchives of Internal Medicine, have shown that eating high quantities of these meats (e.g. a small steak every day) also increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease."

"2)Right up there on the list of scary diseases is cancer, and it's becoming increasingly clear that a meat-cancer connection exists. In one study of more than 35,000 women published in the British Journal of Cancer, those who ate the most red and processed meat were found to have the highest risk of breast cancer. Other research has linked meat consumption to colon, prostate, pancreatic, and gastric cancers as well. One theory, according to non-profit group The Cancer Project, is that foods with high levels of fat artificially boost the hormones that promote cancer."

"3)Raising cattle for beef and milk spews more greenhouse gases into the air than all of the cars currently on the road. That stat came from a 2006 U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization report, which also found that the livestock industry wreaks havoc on our land and water—taking up vast amounts of scarce resources, and polluting the waterways more than probably any other industry.
Eating a plant-based meal for lunch instead of a burger saves 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, 133 gallons of water, and 24 square feet of land, according to the people over at the PB&J Campaign. They've calculated that in just three lunches, you'll have saved more water than you'll save by switching to a low-flow showerhead."
"4)Sure, subbing a veggie burger for a hamburger is a no-brainer way to save a lot of calories. But the meat-weight relationship goes beyond calorie math. A large-scale 2010 study from Imperial College London found that those who ate about 250 grams a day (the size of one half-pound steak) of red meat, poultry, or processed meat gained more weight over five years than those who ate less meat, even if they consumed the same amount of calories overall."
"5)If you're even the smallest of animal lovers, it's tough to think about how your steak or pork chop was made. According to the USDA, 9.1 billion cows, chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigs, and sheep were slaughtered for food in 2011. And these animals often suffer greatly in tiny cages, crates, and pens, before enduring frequently cruel slaughter practices. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that if every American cut out meat just once a week, about 1.4 billion animals could be spared each year." (I'll probably talk more about this at a later date)
"6)For just about every meat item on the market, there's a meat-free version that's surprisingly good. From veggie burgers to chick'n nuggets and even corn dogs, you can still indulge in junk meats without going for the real thing—and brands like Dr. Praeger's, Amy's, Morningstar Farms, and Quorn are usually sitting right there in your local Stop & Shop next to the real thing. Just remember, even with fake meats, to eat them sparingly—they are often still loaded with sodium."
Okay, I know this isn't for everyone, but I get so passionate about this stuff, and these 6 reasons aren't even scraping the horrible things that happen in the meat/dairy industry.
I apologies to guys who aren't vegan/veggie and find this 'offensive' but this is my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
Live the life you Love, Love the Life you Live
Hazel xx

I'm SO sorry x

I am SO sorry I didn't post anything yesterday.. I had work until late and when I got in I literally passed out!

I don't have any rants to write down today (yesterday) as as I'm writing this I am in a massive rush to upload my vlog, do the washing and leave for college in 10 mins!!!!! I'm not going to get anything done.

So once again I am sorry, about yesterday, but I should still post tonight, and myself and a few friends have started a blog and I'm posting in that today as well. So please go check that out!!! :)

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live
Hazel xx

Link my other blog -

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Feeling the Change

Today I feel I'm in a very flowery (If thats a word) mood, So I would like to share some of my photography work with all of you lovely people (If thats okay)

This photograph was taken (along with alot of them) in North Wales. I love this photo and the colours are very bright and vibrant :D

I Love the way the sun hits these yellow flowers in this photo.
|Photo taken in North Wales|

Beautiful Little Daffodil
|Photo taken in North Wales|

Gorgeous Pink FoxGloves
|Photo taken in Milton Keynes|
Sweet, Romantic Roses
|Above Photo taken in North Wales|
|Below Photo taken in Milton Keynes|

I apologies this is such a boring blog (for some) but I'm feeling the change from Summer to Autumn. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Autumn all the pumpkin and spiced flavored things, All the colours and spells... Yes I LOVE Autumn. But I Loved summer, and today as been the first time I'm feeling the change properly. Hence the blog about flowers and Summer and stuff.

Since I now have summer out of my system, I can move on to Autumn!!!!!! So prepare for some Autumn style blogs, Which I am really excited about, YAY!

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live

P.S. Please go check out my new Blog I've started with a few of my friends... I will be posting on there every Friday, so please go check it out! :D 

Tuesday 30 September 2014

I'm Here To Help

Hello again,
I am watching Pocahontas (its my favorite film EVER!) and the messages in it are the best... So I've put together some quotes/pictures for the film! I hope you enjoy.

Not Pocahontas related but still amazing quotes...

I'm sorry this is such a "boring" post, but these quotes speak to me SO much!! Also, I feel like I've been writing about life and how this will get better, and I know this is hard to believe sometimes, so I've decided so over help if you guys need it.. (Just remember I am NOT a trained therapist)

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live

Monday 29 September 2014

Life is too Short

So Hello Guys,
Today I watched a clip from a Dr Phil, and O.M.G! What! It was an old clip from the the episode when this girl shot another girl in. the. FACE! And she's not sorry!! Like. Eh!!!! So Dr Phil asks "Do you apologise that that happened to her or do you apologise for your role in it?" and her reply... "Yeah, I've already done my time, I apologise from my role in this. We have a life time, and I thank god she is still alive to have a life time.God is good and you have to be able to forgive to move on, and until you guys can forgive me you wont be able to move on!".... What, the hell, this just winds me up.. yes, I believe you have to forgive to move on, but in this situation, she is not wording it right... And there's more.... She goes on to say "I have forgiven myself, and been able to move on. That's why I haven't had a nervous break down or lost my mind or anything else" and The girl who got SHOT IN THE FACE just puts up her hand and goes "I have".

Now I know this is a really weird way to start a blog and probably not the most interesting, but I mean come on, how can people be SO inconsiderate. I don't understand why people do things like to each other. Now I know this is very extreme, but bulling on any scale, ANY scale is serious and I really don't get it. You know that saying "If you can't say anything nice, Don't say anything at all" It's an oldie but I really do believe it.. Whats the point in picking out a quality you don't like in someone, and spending the rest of your life with them bulling them about it.. and usually its not an important quality.

Why do people think that being Ginger, or having freckles, or wearing glasses or whatever is a good enough reason to make that persons life a living hell! Now I was bullied at school, I wore glasses, wasn't the thinnest and people assumed I was an idiot and treated me SO differently just because of my hair colour! To this day I still wear glass, (I have lost weight), but people still think I'm an idiot! But I forgive everyone because life is just too short. Yes in some situations maybe forgiving can seem like a really hard thing to do, but there is no point wasting your time hating someone. There can not be room in our lives to focus on people that don't like your glasses, or your hair, or your shoes.

I really dislike the word 'hate' anyway, it's such a harsh word, and if people use it too often or store up lots of 'hate' then they will, in time, become harsh (in my opinion). I just don't see the point in 'hating' anything! Nothing anyone can do is worth getting angry about and wasting YOUR time, YOUR life, YOUR mind! <3

So please,
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live!
Hazel xx

Saturday 27 September 2014

"No Post On Sundays" ~ Mr Vernon Dursley

Today's post is going to be quite short.. I've just got home after work and I am shattered. So I know I said earlier that I want to do daily post, but I'm considering not posting anything on here on Sundays, just because 1) I'll have work all day 2) I will have run out of interesting things to said by the end of the week 3) I'd probably need the time to do college work :). I hope this is okay for everyone, if you guys want me to post on Sundays that's fine but as Mr Vernon Dursley says "No Post on Sunday's" (Sorry that's my nerdy side coming out).

Anyway, I just want you to keep smiling and keep your head, because no matter how that interview turns out, or how ever things are going at work/school/college it will get better, and not worth your worry! You are loved, and cared for by a lot of people in for life.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.
Hazel xx

P.S Hey! You there, Yeah, YOU. You. Are. AWESOME!  Love Ya. x

Friday 26 September 2014

Develop from the Negatives

This quote speaks for its self really. Life's life, don't worry about whats happened, learn from it and move on.
I don't want today's blog to be long today as I want the main focus to remain on this quote, because this quote says everything I needed to say. I've had such an amazing year, and I'm SO grateful to all my friends and family, and I just want to capture every moment possible! 
I feel I can relate to this quote (as so much of you guys can as well) which is why I wanted to write a post about it. We all have hard times, and important decision, and sometimes we make the wrong decision and chooses, but when some people just move on, some might need that extra push and learn to release things will get better. 

Change starts with you!
If live is crappy and doesn't work out, get up, go out, live life and TAKE ANOTHER SHOT!

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.

Thursday 25 September 2014


I love this photo, its so peaceful and calming. I've had such a busy week, and today was the first day in ages I've actually been able to just sit (which was physically relieving) but when I found this photo I took of Bala Lake, I was able to mentally relax for a bit and loose myself in the photo. I felt so relaxed.

I know this post might seem boring to some of you, but I feel like there is a lesson here. So when any one of you feel stressed or worked-up, and like everything is just not working out, don't worry. I know it is very easy to say not to worry, especially if there is something really really important going on, and sometimes you can't afford to loose concentration completely, but once in a while you need to just stop, sit and relax even if its just for a few minutes. Find a place, a quite spot something, or imagine being somewhere peaceful, like a forest or beach or a tranquil mountain side or anywhere!!! Just Relax! 

So next time you have a really important meeting, or things aren't going well at school/college/uni/work just remember to take a step back from it all once in a while, and what every it is will pass.

Sorry this post is quite short, but I hope you guys understood me.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Quick Warning

Hello World,

When I started this blog (2 days ago) I wanted to post daily blogs, and I still do, but I sometimes find it hard to think about what to write, which is stupid. I mean the whole point of this is that it's somewhere I can write about all my feelings about the day or any thoughts I've had, so why try and think about something to write, when I can start writing and my thoughts will just flow through.

Now I am really serious about doing daily blogs, so I just want to warn some people that I am not the most interesting person in the world, and don't intent to try and be one, I just want to write whats on my mind and that's that. Now some days I'll be sad or happy, some days I'll be annoyed or excited and others I'll just be oozing with ideas and others I'll literally have such an empty head (which is most days) I'll be writing about nothing, But I'll still be writing.

Apart from being daily I have no idea where I want this blog to go, I'm hoping to share some of my photography work on here, and some of my designs, but it'll mainly be me rambling on and on about nothing in particular. Which (hopefully) should be interesting as I am a very strange person a lot of the time, and can express myself quite easily through writing ( so your in for a treat :P )

So, I'm not sure what this blog is about tonight but hopefully you understood me. I just wanted to warn you whats in store.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.
Hazel xx

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Hopes & Dreams

Okay so today I had a very needed catch up with a friend and we ended up talking about very mature subject (we had some immature subjects too). So one of the thing we talked about was our hopes and dreams, and about how we seem to be maturing a lot now a days.

So one of the things we mentioned was our future (I know a scary subject for us all) and what we saw ourselves doing in 5/10/20 years. Now I've always known what I've wanted in life (even when I was really young) and that is a family, and the perfect home, so my goal isn't a problem, it's how I'm getting there. I recently had a mental panic attack where I started to worry SO much about the future and how I'm not going to have enough money to do anything. With this being the soul thing on my mind, I had to do something as I was loosing sleep, therefore I made a spread sheet with all the things I need to spend money on, like Food, Toiletries etc., things I don't need to spend money on, like Clothes, games etc. and how much I'm earning a week. I then experimented with scenarios, like living on my own, owning a car etc. and found I could manage it.... if I stopped eating, wore rags and had 10 days in a week! So I've limited my spending and managing my work hours to fit round my college schedule, and I feel relaxed again.

Now I'm sure your wondering if the blog has a point to it or not (and I'm kinda wondering the same thing) but I just wanted to let people know that nothing is ever really worth the worry. What ever the matter is, I'm sure it will get better and you can always try and sort it out yourself if you can't see it going anywhere fast. I have no idea what my lives got in store, and yes that terrifies me sometimes, but as long as I'm happy at that stage in my life and I get to my final goal at some point then that is all care about. I mean, for example, I want to travel and become a photographer, which is much more achievable than becoming famous and working on broadway (which is also a fantasy I have for my future) but that shouldn't stop me from trying anything and everything if I wanted to.

Life has no limits, and if you listen to your feet and your heart and your head rather than society, you can achieve ANYTHING.

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.
Hazel xx

Monday 22 September 2014

Very Deep Feelings

So this is my first 'blog' and I've wanted to write one for a while, I mean I do vlogs but that's not the same, I feel like its easier to write out in detail what I want to say rather than speak it. Especially when I get really focused into the writing, once I'm in that mind set I can write and write and write.

Now I'm no professional write or 'vlogger' or anything, I just do what I do and enjoy it. I don't see the point in living your life if you're not going to enjoy most of it, if not all of it. I mean seriously, why go through life upset or depressed. And I know what your thinking, who are you to talk about what people can and can't do, or how you can be so insensitive about depression, Well I can, I have personal experience with depression...

I was living in North Wales, I had a great group of friends and family who all loved me and cared for me but I was feeling lonelier and lonelier. I was falling into a black hole and saw no escape. I wasn't eating, I was self harming, I was holding all of my thoughts and feelings to myself, and on top of my feelings I had everyone else's. I do not blame anyone but my self for getting that deep down, but I don't think they helped, my friends used to almost force feed me thinking that that was the best way to help me eat, but if anything it just made me worse. They used to bring up my self harming and question why I did it, and when I answer, truthfully, that I didn't know, that it was a way of getting all of my feelings out at that certain time because I had no one to talk to, they would just say that's not a good enough answer, or say well you could've talked to me and I'm always here for you. I find that they were just being 'good friends' saying I could've talked to them, as when I tried to talk them, the subject always changed and I ended up helping them, and I came away feeling worse!

Now I am so much better, I moved to Milton Keynes last September, went to study Production arts. Met so many lovely people, got and lost jobs, I am so much healthier. I've had an amazing summer. I've got a (hopefully) permanent (for now) job at Lidl, And I have recently change courses and I am now studying Photography, I am biking everywhere, I'm eating so well as I've recently become a vegan. Live is just good at the moment. So to everyone who is down, don't be things can get better and will :) Speaking from experience. So please do what you want and live your life, but if you're not happy and can do something about it, do it! You will be glad you did, and if you need any help or advice I am here, but please bare in mind I am NOT a professional, far from it, but I am someone who has been there, and knows how it feels having some one to talk to who actually listens.

I know this has been a very low starting point, but its a story I like getting off my chest, and feel better for it.
I hope this helps some people, and if not and you are dealing with these things, please please it will get better.
Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live.
Love and All of Space
Hazel xx